Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beautiful New Teak Frame

The warm teak wood and the green pothos compliment each other very well!

We're getting closer to that perfect, finished look for the green wall that will make it the shining star of the Quotient lobby. We hired a local handyman and carpenter to build a teak frame for the wall and the project turned out beautifully. The teak wood is so rich and warm. And the clean lines and rigid frame give the wall a much stronger presence in the lobby. We're still shopping around for glass or natural stone tiles for the basin, but the wood alone makes a very impressive statement.

In fish-related news, we have a new guinea pig friend named Nemo. We've kept him alive for 9 days and counting! I treated the water with a conditioner that removes chloramine (the stubborn sister of chlorine, found in tap water), which seems to have fixed our fish-manslaughter issues (fishslaughter?). Or shall we call it criminally negligent homicide (fishicide?). Any-hoo, the water conditioner works wonders and little Nemo has been thriving. I want to wait until the nitrogen cycle re-establishes itself before adding additional friends. Our ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are within acceptable levels, but adding more fish too soon can stress the biological filter and throw things out of whack.

Patience, young Jedi.

pH: 6.4
Ammonia: 1 ppm
Nitrite: 1 ppm
Nitrate: 40 ppm

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see the fish at least survived the entire blog posting this time.
