Thursday, November 10, 2011

Beware the Black Mooooor!!!

This is Bubba, our new Black Moor fancy goldfish.
Picked up three new fancy goldfish. One Fantail, one Chocolate Pom-Pom, and this big guy, Bubba, our resident Black Moor. Black Moors that exhibit white and black coloring are called Panda Moors. I wish the local aquarium had one of those.... dang.
[[Don't worry, team! Several of you voted for a Veil Tail in the America's Next Top Goldfish poll and I'll be adding one to the reservoir as soon as Austin Aquadome gets a new shipment in!]]

I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to install some tasteful soft lighting underneath the teak rim on the reservoir. The water is so dark that it makes finding this guy (and practically all our other fish) pretty difficult.

Changed out the sponge debris filter today. It was naaaaasty. Glad I wore white pants today :/

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